Have you ever wondered what we are being saved from? This is not a pleasant, happy subject, but, nonetheless, it is extremely important for those whose call it is to help save the lost. We are saved, by Christ, from God's wrath and an eternity in Hell! But, what is Hell? "Hell" is a name that evokes both fear and contempt. It evokes fear from those who consider it the most heinous place conceivable and where they do not want to go. It raises contempt from those who consider it a figment of someone's distorted imagination, while others will argue that...
Witnessing can be scary. We are here to help you. This article is a collection of insights I have learned and collected from over 20 years of evangelism in church and Para church ministry. I hope you can find these insights useful to encourage you to serve Him more powerfully and effectively! We all need encouragement. Billy Graham told me a few years ago that he needs it, and he said I need it, and I believe you may need it, too. So, here are some encouragements for you!
God calls us to proclaim what we have seen and heard! When someone asks you to make a profession of faith or give a testimony, does your blood pressure go up? Do you dread it, and begin to sweat, perhaps even panic? Can you think of all kinds of reasons why you should not profess your faith, such as you do not know enough, you are not ready, or that this is not your gift? I know I have in the past. I have a natural fear of public speaking, which you may think is weird for a pastor, but many of us do.
The Importance of Prayer for Evangelism! Matthew 9:35-38; John 14:12-14; Colossians 4:2-6; Luke 11:1-4 Prayer is pivotal and essential. Nothing of value can accrue in you or though you without prayer! The above Scriptures testify to us that we need to be praying for workers, for ourselves, for opportunities, and for those who do not know Him!
Are you afraid to witness? Do you cringe as you approach someone with the Gospel message? Does your stomach begin to turn in agonizing pain to the point that you rationalize that they probably have already heard it and do not need you to say anything, so you walk away in dread?
Developing an Evangelism Program PIII A principle fact we must know before we venture out into evangelizing is this-when you ask someone, "would you like to be a Christian?" you are, in fact, saying, "would you like to be like me?" Are you a good "me"? Are you a person others should strive to be like? Be honest! No, this is not really theologically correct; the reality is we are helping people come to Christ. But, they do not know Christ yet; all they know is you and other Christians!
Followers is knowing that you cannot lead where you have not been, unless the leader is a good follower of the Lord they cannot lead others effectively!
No Fear of Failure is the ability to take a risk and keep the focus and attention on our call and obedience!
Spunk is the willingness to take a risk and go beyond ourselves, our experience and knowledge and into what is best for the body of Christ!
Perseverance is to continue in our state of grace so we live it out in our lives and walk with Christ to the end for our eternal reward!