What is Repentance?
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Real repentance will entail full, genuine confession, restitution, and the will to turn to Christ, not just as Savior, but also as Lord. This is not just a one-time deed, but also a lifestyle that places Christ first and foremost in our daily lives.
How do you feel about your relationship to God at this moment? If you are doing well, or if you are feeling "down," knowing about Holiness will greatly help you!
God's Sovereignty does not contradict our freedom of will and responsibility. God is not the ""master puppeteer""with us as the marionettes! Even though He is in absolute control over every subatomic particle of energy in the cosmos and how ever many...
What comes into our minds when we think about God? No religion or theological system is greater than its idea of God! Who God is rates as the utmost of importance not only to our understanding of Him, but our understanding of life as well.