Discipleship 701

Growing Deeper in your Walk with Christ

This section covers Christian Living, Evangelism, Stewardship, Bible Reading…

Leaning about Discipleship

What is Christian Maturity?

Maturity is realizing that our Lord can and will bring goodness and glory to any situation, as long as He is glorified. That is even through our weakness and failures, through our letdowns and discouragement’s, Christ is there loving us and encouraging us.

Stripping Ourselves of What Holds Us

To enter the Kingdom of Heaven requires the kind of trust and faith in Christ that a child has that they will be cared for. It also means to be dependent on God and not on self. Children cannot achieve or pay for their own way just as we cannot do so for our place in heaven.

Acceptance in Christianity?

We are called to be understanding and patient! As “older” or more “mature” Christians we should gladly accept people who are “weaker” in faith.

How to Grow in the Faith

Living with Holiness!

We are called to get our minds lined up with God—His Way, His precepts, and His plan. We still have the old sinful nature residing within us. God declares us clean, but we do not become completely clean.

Evangelism and Being a Witness

God desires us to have...feet?

Do you fear to witness? Have you done evangelism with all of your heart and passion with little to no results?

More are on their way…

What God desires us to be and to do

Stewardship Part I

What does stewardship mean to you?

Stewardship Part II

Looking to God and not to Self

Stewardship Part III

Is Stewardship Important?

Stewardship Part IV

Are you giving what’s right, or what’s left?

Stewardship Part V

Suggestions to better enable our financial giving

Stewardship Part VI

What is ours is not really to begin with?

Stewardship Part VII

What is a Tithe?

Stewardship Part VIII

What is a Tithe? Part 2

Stewardship Part IX

The Teething of Tithing

Stewardship Part X

Learning What It Means to Give “Cheerfully.”

Stewardship Part XI

A Template of How the Early Church Gave

Stewardship Part XII

Is Tithing for Today?

More Studies are on the way….

Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016