Getting Started on your Journey of Spiritual Growth
How does the pursuit of prayer happen? The key is being continually devoted to Christ. Continue earnestly! This phrase in Colossians continues the theme to set our minds on things above, meaning to be in fullness with Christ. This attitude is what spurs on our commitment and our outreach.
Real, authentic worship is to be inspired by who Christ is and what He is doing in us. It is not about form, function, or type; it is about hearts showing love to Him. Prayer and worship share the same heart and attitude...
Beware of the Barriers of Prayer
Have you ever wondered that if God gave you whatever you wanted, what bearing or what impact it would have on your life and faith? Would it be a hindrance? Perhaps we need to think through our dreams and wishes to their logical conclusion and impact from God’s perspective.
The key to the success of finding and developing faith is simple; it is obedience. We must be ready to serve God rather than our needs, even before we know what the call may be, and take this mindset into life and to others.
What God desires us to be and to do
Christ is the Teacher, but He is not only a Teacher! If we see Him only as a teacher, we will become flustered by being totally unable to do as He instructs.
The picture of life is the church as we relate to the world, living and working in the power of the Spirit by what Christ has done.
The Biblical Steps in Forgiving
If you are the Offender
The Problem of Unforgiveness
What is Christianity all about?
What is sin and what does it do?
What is sin and what does it do? Part 2
Romans 1:28-31
Romans 2:1-16
Romans 2:1-16
Romans 3:21-26
Romans 14: 13-23; 1 Peter 4: 12-19
Romans 4:1-25
Christ our Lord is our Assurance
Romans 5:1-11
Induction into His Grace and Assurance
Romans 5:1-11
Romans: 5:12-21
Romans 6:15-23
The New Life by the Spirit of Sonship
Romans 8:1-17
Romans 8: 18 - 30
All things work together for good
Romans 8: 18 – 30
Being Ready for the Battle
Do you know what Spiritual Warfare is all about?
Satan the Roaring Lion
The Devil’s Lies!
We are already Triumphant in Christ!
Have you ever been hammered by Satan and/or temptations?
How did Jesus respond to Satan and Spiritual Warfare?
Christians can stand against Satan by being in Christ.
More Good News on Spiritual Warfare
More Studies are on the way….