We have to see the magnificent aspect of what Christ has done for us. We need to see the joy and the hope we are given. This is foundational to life and liberty.
The key we need to understand is this, sin entered in the world by one man that affected all people by Adam; but the grace of God, which justified us, comes in the world by one man/God. All of humanity deserved it, Christ did not; thus, yes it is unfair- to God, but not to us!
God does not reject us; rather, it is us who reject Him, He goes out of His way to give us the grace we do not deserve. He gives us His Way, even though we continue to fight against Him by hardening our hearts and rejecting His Truth and precepts.
What does the Law have to do with Me?
Most Christians ignorantly will state that the law has nothing to do with then since they are under grace. But, according to the Bible, this is not the case!
Getting Right with God!
God is calling us to be proactive with our faith so we can grow and be mature. This requires us to be faithful which requires us to submit and to be humble. The result is respect, cooperation, unity, community, and the power of His Fruit at work.
The devil wants to get a hold on us so he can attack to discourage and sway us away from God and His ways. Our defense is simple; we are to stand firm in Christ, pray, and allow His work in us and not ours; what we would bring to the table is just fuel for the devil and his ways!
Do you struggle with which direction in life to go? It is James’ intent in this passage to show us the direction by imperatively grabbing us with ten commands that are essential to honoring God and relating to people.
God wants us to make the fervent attempt to repent, get right with Him, and not lead a double life in trying to serve two contradictory paths in life.
What is Confession? It is the event of responding to the Gospel's message, then acknowledging our faith publicly. In so doing we are conforming our lives to His Way so our faith applies to our lives.
Is Christ Working in You? Confession is the obedience to commit ourselves to leading a life that is worthy to be called Christian, as our new life is in Christ.
What the Christian Life is all About!
The Christian Manifesto Part 1
The thesis statement or main theme of Romans, if not the entirety of our Christian faith!
The Christian Manifesto Part 2
The Gospel is the lightning rod that conducts God's creative and loving power, because it reveals the justice of God in the justification of the ungodly!
This was the rallying cry of the Reformation. The main point that caused Luther and Calvin to challenge the Catholic Church and it’s teachings.
It means from the Greek, “A Good Message” literally or more to the point “Good News” referring to a message of good tidings such as...
The Gospel simply put is “The Good News” of what Christ has done for you and me. This is the message and meaning of who and what Jesus is and has done.
Grace basically means an undeserved act of kindness. This is one of the most enduring actions of love that could ever be conceived.
Faith Learns Trust and Reliance! Do not let your lack of willingness to grow in the faith rob you of His plan for you.
Today there are so many fast-flying and easy "helpful" solutions that are offered for the problems of life. Every day there seems to be a new formula that is feverishly campaigned as the “key to success", which translates to a happy life. This has affected the church, as we Christians have been caught up in this too.
To serve God’s purpose in our generation through loving relationships with God, His church, and His world. (Acts 13:36a; Mark 12:28-31; Luke 2:52)
Maturity is realizing that our Lord can and will bring goodness and glory to any situation, as long as He is glorified. That is even through our weakness and failures, through our letdowns and discouragement’s, Christ is there loving us and encouraging us.
What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others? The theme of all Scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and to love one another. (See Matthew 22:40 and John 13:34.)
This is God's plan because God loves us. So we must follow through with the principles of Scripture being lived out in our lives. Out of love, out of nurture, out of care, and not out of rules regulations and hatred.
Oswald Chambers wrote, “You cannot help suffering; it is a true and needful training for the soul that dares to be true to God.” (My Utmost for His Highest)
Our desires must be focused on Him: Christ our Lord. We must feel the anticipation and the excitement to be with and in Him, so that we not only hear His Word; but we do His Word, the Word of God.
We are Called to Learn and Grow in Christ!
One main factor has to and must come into play for us to live the Christian life, as we should with obedience and love. We are to put on Christ and take off ourselves. This means we are to remove our selfish will and pride and mimic His character to the best of our abilities.
All have sinned, no one is immune therefore we have no right to judge! Hear is the root cause of sin and their various manifestations to how we as Christians can get caught up in a heinous sin too: Being Judgmental.
Using Our Faith To Live the Life To Which We Have Been Called!
This passage is about living honorably, even in the face of oppression and enticement.
We can be influencers even if we are being influenced from the wrong areas and guidelines.
God desires that we have confidence in Him. This is built when our discipleship is taking root in us. So we are growing in a close relationship to Christ, infused with the Holy Spirit, not merely seeking what we can get.
God is involved, that He does indeed care, and that He is concerned and does intervene in history, thus we can trust Him.
Sin and the wrath of God are to be taken seriously, especially by those who reject Him.
Here is a chart that lists two sets of Fruit and ways of living. One side represents Christ’s redemptive work that we comply to continue by being grateful, pursuing His Grace and applying His Fruit into our daily lives. The other side represents the corruption of sin, the old self that we are called to get rid of.
Bible Study to Know more about Discipleship and our Growth in Christ
Romans 12: 1-2
Exhortation to the Renewal of the Mind
Romans 12: 1-2
Romans 12: 3-13
Exercising your Gifts in the Body
Romans 12: 3-13
Romans 12: 14-21
Romans 12: 14-21
What is sin and what does it do?
What is sin and what does it do? Part 2
Romans 1:28-31
Romans 2:1-16
Romans 2:1-16
Romans 3:21-26
Romans 14: 13-23; 1 Peter 4: 12-19
Romans 4:1-25
Christ our Lord is our Assurance
Romans 5:1-11
Induction into His Grace and Assurance
Romans 5:1-11
Romans: 5:12-21
Romans 6:15-23