Surrendering Ourselves to Who God Calls Us To Be
Hidden? Mysterious? Undeterminable? Ask the average Christian in the pew and they will concede that they passionately desire to know what God is up to in their lives. They want to know God's plan, His will for their Life. So they can better lead their lives. Yet at the same time they will admit their frustrations in seeking it, that their fears creep in saying they cannot live it. Or that it may be just too hard to find. And if you ask them again what they think that will may be, they will utter several self-doubting answers. From “I think I just need to live a good life”, I think I’m doing OK”, “I hope my choices have been good”, to “I do not have a clue”.
How do I do this? How do I surrender? What is God trying to teach me?
Whether you are looking for God's will for your life or helping others determine God's will for theirs, this 6-part curriculum will help you in your journey. The discovery begins with the right attitude, allowing yourself to be stretched and challenged beyond your comfort zone. So if you are really ready to grow in Christ and be your best for His glory, then this series and its challenges are for you. You may be surprised to find what you thought was His will was just your noise and aspirations plugging your ears, as it was with me. You may find that what the church or some preacher proclaimed does not match up with the priorities that our Lord gave us. For what we think is important often is not, and what we take for granted and ignore is usually our primary call.
The other option is to ignore God and stick to your own will and desires, thus missing out on great opportunities and growth, for which you were placed on this earth. So I plead with you to do as Galatians 2:20-21 calls us, to surrender your will over to His, then you will find His pure and pleasing and perfect will, for you to learn and grow in Him. Would you rather lead a life with distinction and purpose, or continue to complain and spread the disease of sin, gossip, malice, strife, hatred, condemnation, and pride. When God calls us to work together as His representatives in this life to those around us, with love, joy, peace, patience...
“Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God present yourselves a living sacrifice to God, holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual act of worship. And do not be conformed any longer to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”