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Developing an Evangelism Program PIII A principle fact we must know before we venture out into evangelizing is this-when you ask someone, "would you like to be a Christian?" you are, in fact, saying, "would you like to be like me?" Are you a good "me"? Are you a person others should strive to be like? Be honest! No, this is not really theologically correct; the reality is we are helping people come to Christ. But, they do not know Christ yet; all they know is you and other Christians!
Prayer is not just an exercise we do. Rather, it is the active communication we have with God; it is the most important act for us in any matter or...
The Biblical Steps in Forgiving
Here is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions, and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word!
Goodness is the engagement of love! It displays integrity, honesty and compassion to others and allows us to do the right thing.
Followers is knowing that you cannot lead where you have not been, unless the leader is a good follower of the Lord they cannot lead others effectively!
How do I know I have forgiven someone properly?
The struggle to seek or find the Will of God has conflicted and confronted countless Christians and non-Christians alike over the millennia. But, most miss the point of the quest and end up with the wrong items, declaring them as God's Will, or they give up and say God's Will cannot be found. So, what is the Will of God? A basic, general idea of what it means to know the Will of God is found in
The Essentials of Inductive Bible Study. You can keep this guide "tucked" in your Bible for reference and guidance.
Kindness is the medium through which Christ's love becomes tangible through us. It is practicing benevolence and a loving attitude towards others.