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Are you afraid to witness? Do you cringe as you approach someone with the Gospel message? Does your stomach begin to turn in agonizing pain to the point that you rationalize that they probably have already heard it and do not need you to say anything, so you walk away in dread?
Do you struggle with which direction in life to go? It is James' intent in this passage to show us the direction by imperatively grabbing us with ten commands that are essential to honoring God and relating to people.
If you are the Offender
The more you expose yourself to the Bible, the more God will expose Himself to you! This curriculum is designed to help you develop the essential basic Bible Study Skills necessary to grow deeper in the faith.
Faithfulness is the "gluing" fruit that will preserve our faith and the other characters of the Spirit and identify God's will so we can be dependable and trusting to God and others.
Developing an Evangelism Program PIII A principle fact we must know before we venture out into evangelizing is this-when you ask someone, "would you like to be a Christian?" you are, in fact, saying, "would you like to be like me?" Are you a good "me"? Are you a person others should strive to be like? Be honest! No, this is not really theologically correct; the reality is we are helping people come to Christ. But, they do not know Christ yet; all they know is you and other Christians!
Prayer is not just an exercise we do. Rather, it is the active communication we have with God; it is the most important act for us in any matter or...
The Biblical Steps in Forgiving
Here is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions, and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word!
Goodness is the engagement of love! It displays integrity, honesty and compassion to others and allows us to do the right thing.
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016