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Even though the word "Trinity" as a word is not found in the Bible, however the concept and essence is clearly stated. And the concept is one God with three conversing distinct ways to reveal Himself...
Allow Christ to Challenge you to live for the faith!
Many people go to church and claim to be Christians. But, when it comes down to it, many are not living in the Spirit. Their faith is based on their identity-that they go to church-not that Christ has a hold on their lives...
Impacting Worship Part III

The key to this is not to be rushed or coerced. It is not reciting empty platitudes, nor is it manipulating or a chore. What I mean by impacting is not style; it is our involvement in and with The Substance behind it.
There are, of course, many more than "three reasons to trust the Bible." Among these are textual unity, textual preservation, historical accuracy, scientific accuracy, prophetic accuracy, and its social and personal impact. But even the above three reasons are enough to show that the claims the Liberals and cults make against the Bible are unfounded!

Love will enable us to appreciate our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and, of course, our family and others around us.
Christianity is to be a personal team endeavor; it is never just about solitary, or personal agendas. There are times when we need to be alone, especially in our devotions and study. However...
Is Good Communication working in you? What Can I Do To Be A Better Communicator?
We must have more in our spiritual arsenal than just belief. We must have more in order to grow in Him and make our faith and relationships work.
Impacting Worship Part II

We are called to be a living sacrifice, which means we are to be living in Christ, growing, and performing as agents of His. In worship, we are being impacted by what Christ has done for us and then letting Him know about it.
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016