
Our curriculums are used by virtually every denomination from Reformed, Mainline to Charismatic, Baptists and even Catholics who want more out of Bible Study.
We have set up our websites as simply and easily organized as we can. This is a tough task because we have over a thousand content items from over thirty years of research and practice.
Curriculum Track: We set up about half of our studies in these steps from 101 to 901.
Starting out on the Road to Spiritual Growth

This section covers the Basics, Why, God Bible and You, Who Christ is, what He has Done Prayer, Bible Reading

This section covers more on the Basics, Developing a Devotional Life, Repentance, Confession, Prayer, and Bible Reading…

This section covers more of the Basics, Growing in the Faith, Obedience, Attitude, Spiritual Gifts, Prayer, Bible Reading…

This section covers how we can make Better Decisions, Worship, Prayer, Bible Reading…

This section covers Christian Living, Love and Relationships, Forgiveness, Prayer, Bible Reading…

This section covers more on Growing in Christ, Forgiveness, Spiritual Warfare, Prayer, Bible Reading…

This section covers Christian Living, Evangelism, Stewardship, Bible Reading…

This section covers Christian Living, Suffering, the Disciplines, Bible Reading…

This section covers Leadership Training, Christian Living, more Disciplines, Bible Reading…

Creating a life style of growing Closer after the Heart of Christ and using resources…

Another Curriculum plan: Developing Faith
These are flexible as each category has or will have over forty 40 Studies (we are still developing and uploading our materials. If there is something you do not see and need try our search or let us know).
More at How to Start
How to Use our Materials    The Format       So How Do I Start?

Permission: YES you may go ahead use and reprint and share our studies and articles. All we ask of you is to keep us in prayer, keep the name of our ministry, the authors name, link or URL address and any copyright information on the resources, and feel free to tell others especially pastors what we have to offer. And, of course, we always need partners and supporters to keep this going.

Into Thy Word ĂƒÆ'Ă'Â¯Ăƒ'Ă'Â¿Ăƒ'Ă'½ 1978-2016