You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:1-2
Being a mentor is modeling and teaching other Christians the precepts of the Bible and Christian life-mainly prayer, doctrine, Christian living, and worship. It is the practicing of what Romans calls mutual faith, which means encouragement, support, and our spiritual gifts, all working as a team to inspire, encourage, and instruct one another (Eph. 4:15-16). This is the strength of the church; without it, we will fail personally and as a church. Mentoring has two main aspects: one, it is learning, and then, it is being a coach to the learner.
Being a mentor is modeling and teaching other Christians the precepts of the Bible and Christian life-mainly prayer, doctrine, Christian living, and worship. It is the practicing of what Romans calls mutual faith, which means encouragement, support, and our spiritual gifts, all working as
Why would and should a more experienced and mature Christian walk alongside new and less mature Christians? Because, we are called to be imitators of Christ.
You can be a Mentor! We as Christians have a debt to pay out of our gratitude for what Christ has done. We must consider reaching the lost as an opportunity to obey our call.
To find a mentor for you and someone you can mentor to, be real-real in Christ! The key is to be growing in Christ and exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit. A person who listens is real. Be vulnerable and honest, which makes you real in the lives of others...
Mentoring is an aspect of discipleship. It is important and imperative. In fact, this is the sum total of what the purpose of the Church is all about. Christ calls us to encourage and equip people so that we can all worship Christ and thus live out a real, effectual, impacted, Christian life.
Position Summary: Develop and implement a sustainable mentoring process as a discipleship process tool at _____________Church
More Resources
Placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone as your personal Lord and Savior is the most important decision you will ever make! If you have never invited Christ into your life, or if you would like more information on what it means to commit your life to Christ, please allow us the privilege of sharing Him with you.
We all are called to make disciples! There are only two kinds of people who cannot disciple, and that is one who is not a follower of Christ and/or one who disobeys God's command and refuses to disciple.
We are called to be understanding and patient! As "older" or more "mature" Christians we should gladly accept people who are "weaker" in faith.
This primer is intended to help you and your church to start, lead, develop, grow, and manage a mentoring or discipleship or shepherding program. This article can also be used to start and lead small group Bible studies too.
A good facilitator needs to strive for obedience to the principles of God's Word and practice the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer, fellowship, worship, and stewardship.
So, how do I recruit disciplers? The best way to catch new people into your Bible Study is for you and your members to invite their friends. Advertising creates awareness, personal invitation creates participation!
Just as anyone can be a friend, anyone in Christ can mentor. We cannot expect only a select few to take up this call and imperative, and we do not need to be spiritual giants to do the work. We just need to be authentic in Christ, be willing to learn and grow as one of His disciples, and reproduce our knowledge and experience to others. Many people may fear this, thinking that are not good enough or even unable; perhaps they feel anxious when it comes to reaching out to someone for the faith. Being a mentor or a "mentee" requires a big step of faith that many do not want to take. But you can!