The General Overview of the Will of God
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
A basic general idea of what does it mean to know the will of God. Seek first the kingdom of God, a general overview of who is the will of God.
"What is God's Will?" Finding God's will is not about programs or methods, it is about a person who is God, who wants us! A loving relationship! Asking the question, what does God want me to do, is the starting point, and the focus of the will of God. Matt 6:33-34 "Seek first the kingdom of God" The will of God has more to do with controlling our hearts, than what we do in our planning and ideas (I PET 5)!! We must be a servant of Christ, to let Him mold and shape us to His Glory and purpose, and remain in this relationship! To know the will of God more intimately, He will reveal it, as we grow close in our experience with Him! The three types of God's will:
1. REVEALED WILL: God's laws concerning lifestyle and righteous living for all Christians (it is not God's will to ever leave your spouse or start a cult!).
2. DETERMINED WILL: That cannot be thwarted or stopped by anything (predestination, it will happen!!!)
3. SPECIFIC WILL: God's special plan for each believer (whom we marry, career, and education, etc.).
See the morearticles on God's will on the "God's Will" channel....
© 1992, 2001 R.J. Krejcir, Into Thy Word
Jesus is to be our center, the reason for our being! And if we keep placing Him first, then we become God's will! Have you considered that pride is in the same category as the 'big' sins of homosexuality, adultery and the like? Perhaps you are shocked? Maybe you never thought through how pride impacts others, or it's impact on our sanctification, or how God feels about it? Well check our Romans 1: 26-32!
I love to talk to missionaries and hear their stories. It gives me a sense of perspective of how God works. I have heard some of the most heart wrenching stories and such great efforts to overcome great difficulties. Stories of a spouse being killed and the other taking over, such as with Elizabeth Elliott and her incredible story of how her husband was speared by South American Indians.
We need to put out the effort and do. Rom. 12:1-3 tells us "to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God…" just like a Marine finishing boot camp and placing himself for duty; so must we place ourselves in His service. We are to offer ourselves daily! Before our feet hit the ground when we get out of bed, our focus is to be in His will! Jesus is our supreme commander, so say "Yes sir, here I am, ready for service!"